Althorpe & Keadby Primary School

  1. Our Curriculum - A School of Adventures
  2. Science


At Althorpe and Keadby Primary School, we believe that a high quality science curriculum provides the foundations for understanding the world through biology, chemistry and physics. Because of science, our lives are constantly evolving; so we aspire to instill a sense of wonder, develop essential knowledge and skills and nurture a curiosity about natural phenomena. Our science curriculum encompasses the acquisition of knowledge, concepts and skills along with positive attitudes and aspirations. It is designed to ensure children are able to acquire substantive knowledge by working scientifically and through practical, hands on experiences. 

Science Knowledge Progression

 Knowledge progression document Science.pdfDownload
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Science Long Term Plan

 Science Long Term Plan.pdfDownload
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Plan Progression Documents

 PLAN Progression in Knowledge.pdfDownload
 PLAN Progression in working scientifically skills FV.pdfDownload
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Our science curriculum, which starts at 2years old in EYFS, is broad and balanced and where possible, has cross-curricular links and opportunities to learn outside of the classroom. Children revisit and build upon units throughout the school, beginning in EYFS with asking and answering simple questions, learning about materials, animals and themselves. Teachers create a positive attitude to science learning within their classrooms and reinforce an expectation that all children are capable of achieving high standards in science. Through high quality teaching, modelling and questioning children are immersed in scientific vocabulary, which enables them to predict, explain and analyse. At Althorpe and Keadby Primary School, we aim to raise aspirations through learning about and meeting scientists, discovering science and STEM careers and promoting a love for STEM subjects.

Science Policy

 Science Policy.docxDownload
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In 2 Years and Nursery, children will begin to ask questions and be able to answer simple questions. Through play, they will learn about different animals and where they live, including ones that live in zoos or farms. Our children will begin to find out that objects are made from different materials and that things can be hard or soft. Children will also begin to have an understanding of light and dark.

In Reception, our children will begin to ask questions with support and test their ideas linking to scientific enquiry. With rhymes and books as aids, as well as active play, they will understand parts of the body, animals, lifecycles and how to stay healthy. During the winter months, children will know what ice is and floating a sinking through observations in play. They will begin to understand the seasons to support their learning of National Curriculum content. Our children will also be introduced to a range of STEM careers through discussions, role play and visitors.