Althorpe & Keadby Primary School

  1. Our Curriculum - A School of Adventures
  2. Maths


At Althorpe and Keadby Primary School, we are passionate about providing successful and happy Maths experiences for all children. We follow a mastery approach so that all children’s needs are catered for through a whole class teaching approach. We teach the acquisition of useful facts and methods through rehearsal and we provide opportunities for children to shine. 

We aim to allow children to explore maths in the real world, in different contexts. We facilitate hands-on maths, mathematical talk and celebrate successes with failures to build resilience and encourage practice.

At Althorpe and Keadby we engage fully with the NCETM and work closely with our local maths hub to deliver high quality maths provision. We engage with projects such as the Mastering Number Programme and Teacher Research Groups to empower staff to deliver high quality maths teaching and provide up to date learning resources and lesson content. 

Our daily Maths lessons follow a similar structure with a fluency starter recapping on prior learning, time for rehearsal of useful maths facts. The core part of the lesson is a mastery focus through the use of the new White Rose Maths Scheme. Teachers have the freedom to use their expertise and insight to provide further fluency opportunities as well as deepening understanding through reasoning and problem-solving activities. Children have access to a range of manipulatives and have opportunities to play fluency games and explain their reasoning using mathematical talk. 

At Althorpe and Keadby, we understand that maths is an enigmatic subject for some children. We are aware of Maths anxiety in children and we monitor these insecurities, whilst constantly seeking new ways to overcome them. Positive Maths experiences, rehearsal, high challenge, parental involvement and a ‘can do’ attitude are our keystones in our Mathematical provision.



Our Curriculum 

At Althorpe and Keadby Primary School, we are passionate about providing successful and happy Maths experiences for all children. We follow a mastery approach so that all children’s needs are catered for through a whole class teaching approach. We teach the acquisition of useful facts and methods through rehearsal and we provide opportunities for children to shine. 

We aim to allow children to explore maths in the real world, in different contexts. We facilitate hands-on maths, mathematical talk and celebrate successes with failures to build resilience and encourage practice.


As a school we work closely with our local maths hub to deliver high quality maths provision. We engage with projects such as the Mastering Number Programme and Teacher Research Groups to empower staff to deliver high quality maths teaching and provide up to date learning resources and lesson content. 

Our daily Maths lessons follow a similar structure with a fluency starter (our LASTS) recapping on prior learning, time for rehearsal of useful maths facts. The core part of the lesson is a mastery focus following the new White Rose Maths Scheme. Teachers may also provide further fluency opportunities as well as deepening understanding through reasoning and problem-solving activities. Children have access to a range of manipulatives and have opportunities to play fluency games and explain their reasoning using mathematical talk. 


At Althorpe and Keadby, we understand that maths is an enigmatic subject for some children. We are aware of Maths anxiety in children and we monitor these insecurities, whilst constantly seeking new ways to overcome them.

How Maths is Taught at Althorpe and Keadby Primary School

Opportunities for maths-based play is available throughout the Early Years. Children in both Nursery and reception access maths inputs throughout the week. This is supported by Mastering number programme and White Rose maths reception programmes. As children transition, this approach is continued as needed during the transition into Year One through some continuous provision. 

Maths lessons in Key Stage One and Two are in the form of structured lessons based on the Mastery approach following the White Rose Maths Scheme. The children are taught maths through the concrete, pictorial to abstract model using a range of practical manipulatives, visual representations and problem-solving activities.

Within each lesson, there are opportunities for children to develop skills in mathematical fluency, reasoning and problem-solving. Children are encouraged to explain how they reached the answer and develop mathematical thinking through the use of sentence stems and deeper questioning.

Maths Policy

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Calculation Policies

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Resources for Maths Home Leaning


Here are some work books that White Rose Maths have shared to support the different blocks, These can be downloaded to work through at home.

There is also a White Rose Maths App that helps children to improve their rapid recall of maths facts. This can be downloaded onto any device free of charge.


Find out more: 

TT Rockstars

We use TT Rockstars from Year 2-6. We are all working on improving the  recall speed of times tables facts. Click on the link below to find out about how TT Rockstars works.


This is a website we use across years 1-6. It can be accessed using pupil's current TT Rockstars Login. This has 15 levels which aim to build children's proficiency in maths. There are Story modes and quick-fire challenges within each level.