Althorpe & Keadby Primary School

  1. Our Curriculum - A School of Adventures
  2. Seesaw


We use Seesaw as a secure online learning platform. Every child has a log in code and use this code to access learning at home. Homework, school announcements and any other notices will be added to this platform. There is an expectation that children access this at least weekly to complete the homework that is set.

Seesaw will also be used in school as a way to record the vast range of work that children produce in school. Every child will have an individual portfolio that will build throughout the years. All children can access this from home.

The app can be downloaded via apple or google store. This is the easiest way to access work set and any announcements. Alternatively the website takes you to the log in page.

"I really like Seesaw, it is good to hear the teachers voice and allowed my child to read to her. She really enjoys getting the comments back from the teacher and we go on it every week to see what new activities have been set"  Year 1 Parent

"Seesaw is a great motivational tool for my daughter, she loves going on to see if her teacher has commented on her work and can't wait to do the next job. It's great because it is not only the usual school work jobs but also fun things for us to do as a family" Year 3 Parent

Any problems or queries please contact your child's class teacher