Althorpe & Keadby Primary School

  1. Our Curriculum - A School of Adventures


The Curriculum Intent at Althorpe and Keadby Primary School


Grandpa Potts said, ‘Never say no to adventures, always say yes otherwise you will lead very dull lives.’


This quote, a favourite of the Queen, brought back to school by former pupil Lucy Bush after attending the BBC 500 words final at Hampton Court Palace, has stuck with our whole school community ever since. 

We do our utmost to ensure that we ignite in all our pupils a sense of adventure and curiosity for the world. This is done through as many first hand opportunities inside and outside of the school, and the school day. 

The reason for this is, it is hard for a number of our families to travel beyond their community and fully access the wealth of opportunities and experiences available across our local area and country. 

Such experiences give them the knowledge on which to build and learn even more and ensures that they begin to think about what their futures may look like; developing aspirations and enabling them to ‘find their thing’ is crucial and key.

Improving the children’s knowledge and curiosity is having an impact on their writing, oracy and reading ability as they know more; they want to know even more and want to read, write and talk about it!

We are committed to supporting our community, both young and old, with mental health, obesity and self esteem. 

Having a healthy body and healthy mind is at the heart of our curriculum intent, as this will impact on children's life chances, the opportunities open to them and support them in developing their own self worth and forging meaningful friendships.


Our curriculum is written with the children at the center of everything. We know where our children have gaps and limited experiences and our curriculum builds upon this in  a clear and concise manner offering a rich diet of opportunity, life skills and memories steeped in knowledge.  

Mornings are spent developing literacy and numeracy skills, with an emphasis on basic skills. During the afternoon pupils have the opportunity to apply their literacy, numeracy and scientific skills in other curriculum areas with a clear progression and opportunity to deepen knowledge and develop skills.  

We consider ourselves very fortunate to have the support of the local community and truly believe in involving our community within our curriculum wherever possible. Children have completed local history projects centered around Keadby and the local area. We plan to develop local knowledge with a cycle of opportunities throughout the year. We plan to compare Keadby to a local town and a local city, thus ensuring children have a concrete understanding of the terminology in a meaningful context.  We later plan to extend this further by visiting the coast and the country; again, building upon prior experiences and giving our children first hand experiences.

To find out more please click on each year groups individual adventure plans and explore the different subject tabs under our curriculum page. 

Whole School Long Term Plans 2023 - 2024

 2 year Long term plan 2023_2024.pdfDownload
 Nursery Long Term Plan 2023-2024.docx.pdfDownload
 Reception LTP .docx (1).pdfDownload
 Year 1 Long Term Plan 2023 - 2024.pdfDownload
 Year 2 Long Term Plan 2023 - 2024.pdfDownload
 Year 3 Long Term Plan 2023 - 2024.pdfDownload
 Year 4 Long Term Plan 2023 - 2024.pdfDownload
 Year 5 Long Term Plan 2023 -2024.pdfDownload
 Year 6 Long Term Plan 2023 - 2024.pdfDownload
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