Althorpe & Keadby Primary School

  1. Our Curriculum - A School of Adventures
  2. PSHE


PSHE education is central to the development of the children at our school. It provides learning that makes an essential contribution to their lives both now and in the future by promoting positive relationships and lifestyle choices. It encourages our children to always be the best version of themselves.

We want the children at our school to reach their full potential whilst they are with us and throughout life, we teach them to be resilient, feel valued, to collaborate and be responsible citizens in their community and ever changing world. 

We promote social learning and expect our pupils to show a high regard for the needs of others. PSHE is a good vehicle for addressing both diversity and gender issues and ensuring equal opportunities for all.

Children know what healthy relationships look like through the work we do and how we model this to them, they know we care and they do to, we show them respect and they show it back, we show them gratitude and they show it in return. We recognise that children will all bring different prior learning and experiences to PSHE, and that those who are most vulnerable are identified and supported. 



We promote healthy lifestyles by linking with Science, PE and DT. We want our children to develop healthy habits now so this is naturally embedded in their lifestyle and they grow to be fit and healthy adults. We recognise this is not always easy and teach our children to recognise when they may need help, to reach out and who can help them. It is important they consider the needs of those around them too.

Children will take part in activities about making choices in their own lives and simulate making adult choices. We teach them to take responsibility for their decisions and to aim high. Developing high aspirations and a positive outlook on life is essential in our community, the children will learn about skills that are key to employability in a rapidly changing global economy.

Relationships and Sex Education

The Relationships and Sex Education aspects of PSHE education, compulsory in all schools as of 2020, is delivered during the Spring term. Our school works with Big Talk Education, an award-winning team of specialist RSE facilitators to help deliver our RSE curriculum. Teachers will also talk to the children about relationships discussing what a family unit looks like and that all of our families are different and also discussing what makes a healthy relationship.

As part of the programme, the team from BigTalk Education host an annual consultation meeting with parents/carers and staff to share the resources that will be used with the children. Parents will be informed of the meeting prior to the delivery of RSE lessons.

Please read our RSE policy and long term plan below for more detail.


PHSE and RSE policies and objectives

 Copy of PSHE Long Term Plan Objectives.docx.pdfDownload
 PSHE Policy.docx.pdfDownload
 RSE Policy (1).docx.pdfDownload
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